This weekend was Eagles & Ag in Carson Valley. If you haven't attended, it is an excellent series of events. This year, they added a historic barn tour. I host other tours so they let me tag along. Our guide was Cline Celio. His family are early settlers at Lake Tahoe and owned lumber yards and saw mills. He was a great teacher of the different building techniques. The barns selected had ... VIEW POST
Recent Ghost Towns & Travel Updates

Rhyolite’s most famous murder: Mona Bell
A popular spot in Rhyolite that draws visitors is the "grave" of Mona Bell. Visitors leave flowers, booze bottles, trinkets, and high-heeled shoes. As the story goes, Mona was a beloved prostitute murdered by her pimp, Fred Davis. The proper townswomen didn't want her in the cemetery, so they buried her by the red-light district. Parts of the story are true, but Mona Bell's grave is in Washington, ... VIEW POST

Rhyolite Ghost Town: Nevada’s Diamond in the Desert
Rhyolite is a diamond in the desert and one of Nevada's best ghost towns. It is the epitome of the boom-to-bust mining town. In five years, it went from nothingness to a modern town, then to only a handful of remaining residents and finally to a complete ghost town. Rhyolite wasn't just any Nevada town; it was once one of the largest in the state, with every imaginable amenity. The collapse was as ... VIEW POST

Bodie’s Green Creek Power Plant & the shock of a lifetime
Bodie's Standard Consolidated Mill developed a revolutionary plan to power their facilities and decrease operating costs: build a power plant on Green Creek. In 1893, the Bodie's mill became the first in the United States to operate on A/C power transmitted over such a distance.Some of the workers at Green Creek enjoy pulling pranks on their co-workers. One of their hijinks was ill-fated and ... VIEW POST

Virginia City’s forgotten Ghost Towns
Just what the Dr. ordered: a good friend, ghost towns and a great meal and drink! Honey Badger's new engine needs to be broken in before her first big trip, so I met Nevada Expeditions in Virginia City. We visited some well-known sites, but also little-known ghost towns and cemeteries. Virginia City VC is always fun to drive around or wander the old boardwalk sidewalks. There must ... VIEW POST