Over 800 ghost towns and historic sites in Nevada & California. History and photos of ghost towns, mining camps, Pony Express, and pioneer trails organized by state and county. Visit the Nevada Ghost Towns: Interactive Map.
I changed to a photo list for a better experience. Below is the legacy text list. Visit the photo list of ghost towns.

Ghost Towns & Historical Sites of Nevada, California, & Beyond
Carson City/Ormsby County
- Brunswick Mill
- Carson City: Pony Express
- Carson River Mills
- Eureka Mill
- Merrimac Mill
- Chinese in Nevada
- Empire City
- Lakeview
- Nevada State Prison
- Nevada State Prison Cemetery
- Ormsby Poor Farm
- Pierini Ranch
- Pioneer Cemetery
- Santiago Mill
- Stewart Indian School
- Summit Station/Half-Way House
- Swift’s Hot Springs
- Virginia & Truckee Railroad Carson River Mills
- Vivian Mill
- Yerington Smelter (aka Blue Canyon)
Churchill County
- Aspen
- Averill
- Chalk Wells
- Clemens & Rockpoint Well
- Cold Springs
- Coppereid
- Cox Canyon
- Desert Quartz Mill
- Desert Queen Mine
- Dixie Valley
- Eastgate
- Fairview
- Fairview Station
- Forty-Mile Desert
- Grime’s Point Petroglyphs
- Hazen
- Hercules
- Lahontan City
- Lakeview
- La Plata
- Le Beau Grave
- Leete
- Lee Springs
- Luva
- Middlegate
- Mountain Well
- Nevada City
- New Pass Station
- Old New Pass Station
- Porter’s Station
- Ragtown
- Rockpoint Well Station
- Sand Springs Station
- Stillwater
- Summit Mine (Dan Tucker)
- Victor
- Westgate
- White Cloud City
- Wonder
Clark County
- Ash Meadows Cemetery
- Binion Ranch
- Bunkerville
- Cathedral Canyon
- Crescent arrastra and mill
- Frenchman Mine
- Gold Butte
- Gold Butte National Monument
- Goodsprings
- Huntsman Cabin
- Hupton
- Juan
- Kaolin
- Key West
- Kiel (Kyle) Ranch
- Longstreet Cabin
- Lost City
- Las Vegas: Mob Museum
- Meadow Valley Wash Petroglphys
- Nelson
- Nipton (California)
- Oakland Group Mines
- Overton: Lost City Museum
- Overton Pioneer Cemetery
- Potosi
- Queho: Nevada’s Murderous Mummy
- Red Rock
- Riverside
- Searchlight
- Sekhmet Temple
- Silica
- Spring Mountain Ranch
- St. Joseph
- St. Thomas
- St. Thomas Memorial Cemetery
- Tecopa Kilns
- Valley of Fire Buena Vista CCC Cabins
- Valley of Fire: CCC Cabins, Petroglyphs & Civil War Veteran Grave
- Warn Springs
- West Point
- Yount’s Sawmill
Douglas County
- Ben Palmer Ranch
- Boyd Toll Road
- Buckskin
- Bullionville
- Carman Heights
- Carter’s Station
- Centerville
- Double Springs
- Fairview
- Friday’s Station
- Genoa
- Genoa: Hanging Tree
- Genoa Peak: Paradise Flight 901A Crash Site
- Genoa: Snowshoe Thompson
- Genoa: Trimmer Ranch
- Glenbrook
- Holbrook
- Jack’s Valley
- Johnson Cutoff
- Mottsville
- Mountain House
- Preacher’s Mine
- Sheridan
- Slater’s Mine (Buckeye Placer Mine)
- Tonopah’s Raycraft house and a shoot-out in the Pine Nut Mountains
- Twelve Mile House (Wheeler’s & Tisdell House)
- Van Sickle Station
- Walley’s Hot Springs
- Zirnville
Elko County
Esmeralda County
- Albert Mine
- Alkali Spring
- Basalt
- Blair
- Blair Junction
- Buckskin Mine
- Calmville
- Coledale
- Coledale Junction
- Columbia
- Columbus
- Cuperite
- Diamondfield
- Dyer
- Fish Lake
- Goldfield
- Goldfield: Jail and red light district
- Goldfield: Man who died eating library paste
- Goldfield: Slaughterhouse Canyon
- Gold Hitt
- Gold Mountain (Stateline)
- Gold Point
- Lida
- McLean
- Medicine Rock
- Millers
- Mt. Montgomery
- Nivloc
- Palmetto
- Pigeon Springs
- Pigeon Springs Mill
- Queen Mine
- Red Rock Mine
- Silver Peak
- Stewarts Mill
- Sully’s Tourist Camp
- Sylvania
Eureka County
- Beowawe
- Chinese Kiln
- Croesus Mine
- Diamond City and Mill
- Eureka
- Eureka Mine
- Eureka Stone Cabin
- Eureka Underground
- Palisade
- Prospect
- Ruby Hill
- Vanderbilt
Humboldt County
- Adelaide
- Awakening
- Cane Springs
- Daveytown
- Denio
- Golconda
- Gold Run
- Gouge Eye
- Hauilch Well
- Jumbo Mine
- Jungo Road Mining Camp
- Paradise Valley
- Paradise Well
- Preble
- Quinn River CCC Camp
- Sod House
- Willard
- Willow Point
Lander County
- Amador
- Austin
- Betty O’Neil
- Bunker Hill/Victorine
- Byer’s Mine
- Cape Horn
- Carroll Station
- Clifton
- Cortez
- Dean
- Geneva
- Gold Acres
- Gold Run
- Guadalajara
- Kimball
- Kingston
- Lewis
- Mount Airy
- Old Daniel Ranch
- Stokes Castle
- Tenabo
- Toquima Cave
- Warm Springs/Peterson’s Mill
Lincoln County
- Ash Springs Butler Family Graves
- Ash Springs Dr. Hoyt Grave
- Bullionville
- Caliente
- Cathedral Gorge CCC Structures
- Crescent City
- Crystal Springs
- Delamar
- Evergreen Flat
- Extraterrestrial Highway
- Helene
- Hiko
- List Mine
- Logan City
- Mt. Irish Petroglyphs
- Pioche
- Rachel
- Rosey Mine
- Tem Piute
Lyon County
- Adobe Station
- Bluestone Mine
- Buckland’s Station
- Cambridge
- Colony (Simpson)
- Como
- Como Bert’s Cabin
- Como Road Miner’s Cabin
- Conway
- Daney Mine & Mill
- Dayton Lime Works
- Dayton: Pony Express
- Dayton: Rock Point Mill
- Delphi
- Desert Station
- Desert Station Emigrant Trail Marker
- Desert Well Station
- Devil’s Gate
- Elbow Jake’s
- Eldorado Canyon Kilns
- Fort Churchill
- Hall’s Station
- Hawes
- Hawes Station
- Hind’s Hot Springs (Nevada Hot Springs)
- Hooten Well
- Hoye’s Station
- Hudson
- Johntown
- Ludwig
- Luva
- Mason
- Miller’s (Reed’s) Pony Express Station
- Mound House
- Nordyke
- Old Gallager Ranch
- Palmyra
- Pine Grove
- Pony Meadows Mill
- Ramsey Comstock Mine
- Raven L Ranch, East Walker Ranch
- Red Canyon
- Reed’s Station
- Rockland
- Silver City
- Silver City: Donovan Mill
- Silver City: Higgins Mill
- Silver City: South Comstock Mine
- Smith Valley: Valley Cemetery
- Sonoma
- Sonora Trail
- South Comstock
- Stockton Well
- Sulfur
- Summit Station (AKA Halfway House)
- Susan’s Bluff
- Sutro
- Sutro: Airshaft
- Sutro Ghost Town Renaissance
- Sutro: Ghost Town Dream Team Visits
- Sutro: First Visit
- Sutro: Mules & Mule Barn
- Sutro: New Project
- Sutro: Portal Through Time
- Sutro: The Sutro Project
- Sutro: Then & Now Photos
- Sweetwater
- Talapoosa
- Talapoosa Well
- Thompson
- Wabuska
- Walker River Station (AKA Rissue’s Bridge)
- Weed Heights
- Wellington
- Wheeler Flat Dam
- Wiley’s Station
- Wilson Canyon
- Yerington: Elm Tree Cemetery
Mineral County
- Antelope Mill
- Aurora
- Babbitt
- Bass Camp
- Black Beauty Mine
- Borus
- Broken Hills
- Cabin Under the Boulder
- Camp Noble
- Candelaria
- Chinese Grave
- Cory Canyon Cabin & Mill
- Del Monte Antelope Mill
- Del Monte Canyon
- Del Monte Mine and Mill
- Fletcher
- Garfield
- Hawthorne
- Hawthorne Chinatown Cemetery
- Hawthorne Ordnance Museum
- Hawthorne Veterans Park
- Kaiser Mine
- La Panta
- Lucky Boy
- Luning
- Marietta
- Metallic City
- Mina
- Mina Mercury Mine
- Mineral County Historical Museum
- New Boston
- Nine Mile House
- Omco
- Pamlico
- Redlich
- Rhodes
- Schurz
- Simon
- Summit Station
- Sunshine Station Bodie Road
- Surprise Stamp Mill
- Thorne
Nye County
- Amargosa
- Angel’s Ladies plane crash
- Ash Meadows
- Atwood
- Beatty
- Bellehelen
- Belmont
- Berlin
- Blue Eagle Ranch and Spring
- Bonnie Claire
- Brefogle
- Buckeye Mine
- Bullfrog
- Butler (AKA Gilt Edge)
- Cararra
- Clifford/Helena
- Davis Mine
- Diana’s Punchbowl (AKA Devil’s Cauldron)
- Duluth
- East Belmont
- East Manhatten
- Elizdale cement plant
- Empire Cabin
- Fairplay Mining District
- Fluorspar Mine
- Gold Bar
- Gold Center
- Goldwell Open Air Museum
- Goldyke
- Hercules
- Hot Creek
- Hot Creek: Civil War Grave
- Hot Creek: Indian Camp
- Hot Creek: Petroglyphs
- Hot Creek: Project Faultless
- Ione
- Jefferson
- Keystone
- McKinney Tanks
- Manhattan
- Millet
- Minninums
- The Monitor
- Moores Station
- Mountain View
- Nevada Quicksilver/Cinnabar
- Northumberland
- Okey Davis
- Old Dominion Mining District
- Ophir Canyon
- Ore Bucket Mine
- Original
- Orizaba
- Park Canyon
- Penelas
- Phonolite/Bruner
- Pine Creek
- Pioneer
- Potts Ranch
- Prichard Station
- Project Faultless
- Pueblo
- Ralston
- Rhyolite
- Rhyolite: Panamint Annie
- Senator Mine
- Six Mile Kilns
- Springfield Mining District
- Springdale
- Stone House/Smith’s Station
- Stonewall
- Tate’s Station
- Telluride
- Thorpe’s Well
- Tonopah
- Tonopah Army Airfield
- Tonopah driving tour
- Tonopah’s Raycraft house and a shoot-out in the Pine Nut Mountains
- Tonopah: Victor Mine Pool
- Tonopah: Who was the Lady in Red
- Tybo
- Tybo 2G Mine
- Tybo: Hale Mine
- Tybo: Kilns
- Quartz Mountain
- Warm Springs
- West Point
- White Caps
Pershing County
- Alpine Mine
- Antelope Spring Mining District
- Bonnie Bryer
- Colado
- Discovery Mine
- Dun Glen
- Eastern Star Mine
- Freckles Mine
- Golconda Canyon mercury retort
- Gold Note Canyon miner’s cabin
- Henrietta
- Humboldt City
- Imlay
- Kennedy
- Kyle Hot Springs historic resort
- Lovelock
- Mazuma
- M.G.L. Mine
- Mill City
- Montgomery Mine
- Nightengale
- Oreana Airmail Beacon #27
- Piedmont Mill
- Pershing Mine (Humboldt Range)
- Pershing Mine (Nightengale Range)
- Piedmont Mine
- Puckerbrush
- Rochester
- Rock Hill
- Santa Clara
- Sawtooth Mine
- Seven Troughs
- Sierra District Stone Cabin
- Spring Valley/Fitting
- Star City
- Stone Mansion
- Thunder Mountain
- Tip Top
- Tungsten
- Tunnel Camp
- Unionville
Storey County
- American City
- Barrett Mill
- Butters Mill
- C&C Shaft
- Chollar Consolidated Mine & Mill
- Chollar Mine
- Combination Shaft
- Devil’s Gate
- The Divide
- Five Mile House AKA Summit House
- Five-Mile Reservoir
- Forman Shaft
- Gold Hill
- Gold Hill Catholic Cemetery
- Gold Hill: Haunted Hotel
- Gold Hill: The Most Heartbreaking Grave
- Julia Bulette’s Grave
- Lagomarsino Petroglyphs
- Lousetown
- Occidental Shaft
- Pfiefer Mill
- A Pioneer Cemetery
- Six Mile Canyon
- Spite House
- St. Marys Hospital
- Sutro Tunnel Air Shaft
- Union Shaft
- Virginia & Truckee Electric Trail O’ Lights
- Virginia City
- Virginia City: China Town
- Washington
- Yellow Jacket Mine
- Yellow Jacket Mine II
Washoe County
- 49 Rock
- Auburn
- Avansino Ranch
- Big Canyon
- Bonham Ranch
- Bowers Mansion
- Buffalo Spring Station
- Camp Denio
- Cleanwater Demon House
- Crystal Peak
- Deadman’s Creek Graves
- Deep Hole
- Diessner
- Donner Party Park
- Edward Laird Grave
- Empire
- Five-Mile Reservoir
- Flanigan
- Franktown
- Galena
- Geiger Grade CCC Campground
- Geiger Grade Toll Road & Robber’s Roost
- George W. Lund Petrified Forest
- Gerlach
- Glendale
- Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery
- Guanomi Mine
- Half-Way House
- Hart Camp
- Henness Pass
- Huffaker’s
- Hunter’s Station
- Incline
- Inyo Marble Works
- Jamison’s Station
- Jumbo
- Jumbo Grade Toll Road
- Junction House
- Keck Museum
- Ladino Dairy Farm
- Lake’s Crossing
- Last Chance Ranch
- Leadville
- Little Indian Spring
- Mill Station
- Mogul
- Morris Ranch
- Mosquito Lake & Valley
- Nashville
- Nevada California Railroad Depot
- Nevada State Insane Asylum
- Nixon
- Ophir Toll Road
- Parker Ranch
- Pevine
- Poeville
- Pyramid
- Pyramid City
- Round House
- Sand Pass
- Sheep Head
- Sheldon
- Smoke Creek
- Smoke Creek Canyon Cave
- Steamboat Springs
- Sunkist
- Reno: Brief History of Aviation in Nevada
- Reno/Truckee Meadows Historical Sites
- Reno: Keck Museum of Geology at UNR
- Reno: Nevada, California and Reno Railway
- Surcliffe
- Swedes Place
- Twaddle-Pedroli Ranch
- Verdi Glen Resort
- Verdi Lumber Company
- Verdi Old Town
- Von Schmidt Line Oblisk
- Vya
- Wadsworth
- Washoe City
- Wedekind
- Woodruff Camp
White Pine County
- Belmont Mill & Mine
- Black Horse
- Bothwick
- California Mill
- Cherry Creek
- Cocomongo
- Eberhardt
- Eberhardt Mine Portal
- Egan Canyon
- Fillmore Mine
- Fort Pearce Cemetery
- Garnet Hill Mine’s Cabin
- Green Springs
- Hamilton
- Indian Springs CCC Camp
- “Little Boss” Mine
- Major’s Place
- Mc Gill
- Minerva and Tungeston Mine
- Osceoloa
- Picotillo
- Ragdump
- Rhode’s Cabin
- Spring Valley Ranch (Stonehouse)
- Schellbourne
- Shermantown
- Steptoe City
- Swansea
- Tea Cup Mine
- Tippett
- Treasure City
- Ward
- Ward Charcoal Ovens
- White Pine City
California Ghost Towns & Historical Sites by County
Alpine County
- Caples Lake & Child’s Grave
- Carson River Route
- Curtz Mine
- Diamond Valley
- Fredricksburg
- Hope Valley
- Kirkwood Inn and Saloon
- Markleeville
- Markleeville Cave
- Markleeville: Hangman’s Bridge
- Mogul
- Monitor
- Morningstar Mine
- Mt. Bullion
- Paynesville
- Silver Mountain City
- Woodfords
Amador County
El Dorado County
- Camp Richardson
- Camp Sacramento
- El Dorado/Nevada House/Mud Springs Station
- Glen Alpine Springs
- Highway 50 Historic Bridge
- Johnson Cutoff
- Mormon Tavern
- Moore’s Station
- Pacific House
- Pleasant Grove House
- Riverton
- Sportsman’s Hall
- Strawberry Valley House
- Sugar Loaf House
- Tallac Historic Park Camp Richardson
Inyo County
- Agueberry Camp
- Armagosa Borax Works
- Ashford Mill
- Ballarat
- Ballarat Stage Station
- Cartifo
- Castle in Clay
- Cerro Gordo
- Chusopolis
- Clair Camp
- Cottonwood Kiln
- Darwin
- Death Valley
- Death Valley Junction
- Dubin Gulch
- Dunmovin
- Eagle Borax Works
- Emigrant
- Grant
- Harrisburg
- Harmony Borax Works
- Journigan’s Mill
- Keane Wonder Mine
- Kearsarge Station
- Keeler
- Laws Railroad Museum
- Little Lake
- Lone Pine
- Manzanar Children’s Village
- Minetta
- Olancha & Dirty Socks
- Owenyo
- Reilly
- Reward Mine
- Rhodes Spring Cabin
- “Shorty” Harris Grave
- Skidoo
- Sunset Mine
- Swansea
- Tramway
- Tuttle Creek Ashram
- Wildrose CCC Camp
- Wildrose Kilns
- Zurich Station
Kern County
- Atolia
- Blickle Camp
- Bonanza
- Burrow Schmidt Mine
- Cane
- Desert Spring
- Dutch Cleanser Mine
- Harts Place
- Holy Ash Mine
- SpringDesert
- Garden City Station
- Garlock
- Johanasberg
- Randsberg
- Satldale
Lassen County
- Alturas: Nevada, California, and Oregon Railway
- Amedee Lime Kiln
- Fort Janesville
- Dayton/Lathrop City
- Doyle
- Janesville Wigwam Inn
- Litchfield
- Madeline
- Milford
- New Pine Creek
- Noble’s Emigrant Trail
- Ravendale
- Standish
- Susanville: Peter Lassen’s Grave
- Susanville
- Susanville: Roop County & the Sagebrush War
- Termo
- Wendel
Modoc County
Mono County
- Belfort
- Benton Hot Spring
- Bishop Petroglyphs
- Bishop Petroglyphs II
- Blanchards Station
- Blind Spring Hill
- Bodie
- Bodie black and white photo essay
- Bodie: Seven-Stamp Mill
- Boulder Flat
- Bridgeport
- Bridgeport: Poor Farm
- Caliveda
- Chemung
- Conway Ranch
- Crowley Columns
- Dog Town
- Dunderberg Mine and Mill
- Golden Gate Mine and Mill
- Golden Gate Mine and Mill: A Devastating Loss to History
- Jordan
- Kavanaugh Ridge
- Kit Carson’s Daughters Grave
- Lime Kiln Station
- Lincoln Log Mine
- Little Bodie
- Lorena
- Mammoth
- Masonic
- Monoville
- Mono District Miner’s Cabins
- Mono Lake Cabins
- Mono Mill
- Mono Mills
- Montgomery City
- Mt. Patterson Stone Cabin
- Munckton
- Nugent Cabin
- Partzwick
- Pumice Mill
- Sacramento Mill
- Silverado Mine
- Sonora Pass & Levitt Falls
- Star City
- Ward Mining Camp
Nevada County
- Alpha & Omega Hydraulic Mines
- Boca
- Donner Party cabin site at Alder Creek
- Donner State Park
- Empire Mine State Historic Park
- Farad Powerhouse
- Fleish Power House
- Floristan
- Grass Valley
- Henness Pass
- Nevada City
- Nevada County Abandoned Hospital
- Pioneer Grave
- Rough and Ready
- Truckee: Train Tunnels, Chinese Wall, Petroglyphs
- Washington
Placer County
Sacramento County
San Luis Obispo
- Cambria
- Cayucos
- Harmony
- Hearst Castle & the Comstock Lode
- Morro Bay
- Nitt Witt Ridge
- Piedras Blancas Light Station
- San Simeon
Arizona Ghost Towns
- Jerome
- Kingman
- Montezuma Castle Cave Dwellings
- Palatki Cave Dwellings
- Perkinsville
- Route 66
- Sedona
- Tuzigoot
- Verdi Canyon Railroad
- Walnut Canyon
- Wupatki
Florida Ghost Towns
Hawaii Ghost Towns
- Anna Ranch Heritage Center
- Honoka’a
- Kaloko-Honokohau National Historic Park
- Russian Fort Elizabeth
- South Point at Ka Lae
- Waikoloa Petroglyphs
- Wai Opae of Kekaha Kai
- Waipi’o Valley
Idaho Ghost Towns
- DeLemar
- Idaho City
- Murphy
- Roseberry
- Ruby City
- Silver City
- Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge
- Duluth Canal Park
- Glensheen
- North Shore Scenic Railroad Museum
- Split Rock Lighthouse
Oregon Ghost Towns
- Jacksonville
- Lakeview: Nevada, California and Oregon Railway
- Paisley
- Pendelton Underground City
Utah Ghost Towns
- Grafton
- Harrisburg, UT
- Hurricane Valley CCC Corrals
- Leeds
- Monkey Mesa & Project SMART
- Mountain Meadows
- Old Irontown
- Santa Clara
- Silver Reef
- Snow Canyon Pioneer Names
- St. George
Way Beyond
- Aggstein Castle
- Durnstein Castle
- Krems
- Melk
- Salzburg
- Schönbühel Castle
- Spitz
- Wiessenkirken
- Willendorf
Dominican Republic
- Berlin
- Dresden
- Fussen
- Munich
- Neuschwanstein Castle
- Nurnberg
- Rotenburg
- Schloss Castle
- Wittingen
- Chichen Itza: The Temple Of Kukulkan
- Coba: Nohoch Mul Pyramid
- Tulum
- Aboriginal Taiwanese Abandoned Village Taroka
- Chain Kai-Shek Shilin Memorial
- Changan Temple and Bell Tower
- Eternal Springs Shrine
- Hualien
- Juifen
- Keelung
- Longshan Temple
- National Palace Museum
- National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine
- Pinling
- Sansia
- Shakadang Trail
- Snake Alley
- Swallow Caves
- Taroko Gorge
- Tzushr Temple
- Wulai Falls
- Yingee