It was a pretty crummy weekend and I was still worn out from our vacation. So what did I do? Planed a girl trip of course!😆

I plotted out what I want to see on the drive between Schurz and Tonopah. Not including mines, I ended up with 30 towns. I might need to narrow down my list a little. I’m trying to decide what I want to explore outside of Tonopah, I have 2 full days. I’m torn between exploring new areas, or cool towns I have been to but lost the photos. I could head back out towards the ET Highway. Or explore the area around Goldfield, Nivloc has been high on my list. Or go back to one of my favorite towns, Belmont. It’s hard to choose.

My little one reminded me we needed to add pins to our map. I still have the first map, but found an 1893 map I like better, it has more towns listed that the others. My little one is learning to use the GPS, maps and atlases.

I commended how many areas of Nevada we have visited but how many more places we have to go. Edel had been sleeping but heard “Go” and ran to the garage door.

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