Growing up, I remember picking out a party theme before my birthday. Then, my mom would plan a party, complete with hand-decorated cake. On the downside, my birthday usually fell on Labor Day weekend, or worse, the first day of school.

Birthdays aren’t as much fun as an adult. They are a question of where I want and where to go to dinner. Not that I mind picking a favorite restaurant or something fun, like my new batwing awning, but it isn’t the same childhood excitement.

I’m feeling great for 49. Mostly;) I had to pick up Advil at Maverik. I’m embarrassed to admit that I have been hurting since the Jeep was lifted and the 4-day trip. I finally figured out it was so much jumping in and out of the Jeep. I’m looking at how to do it gracefully and gently.

I decided this year’s birthday would be different; I wanted something fun on my actual birthday. So, I planned a ghost town and treats days with lady Jeepers. Unfortunately, as it was mid-week, many of the ladies couldn’t go, but we had a great group of four Jeeps and six ladies.

We started our day as any Jeep trip starts. Gassing up then talking for half an hour, oohing and awing over Jeep mods. The response from men was funny. A number drove past slowly, checking out what we were doing. One man wanted to know about the roof racks. I think they aren’t used to seeing a group of ladies getting ready for off-roading.

The first stop on our treat portion of the trip was Kim’s Donuts. They recently moved their store across Highway 395, behind Aarco. I won’t claim it was healthy, but it was a yummy start to the morning.
As I was playing tour guide, I didn’t take many photos.
Our first ghost town of the day was Chemung. The ladies got a lesson on mine terminology and cyanide processing.


Masonic was our next stop. Some of the ladies hiked up the ruins of the Pittsburg-Liberty Mine. They wanted to know what the top of the mill looked like, so I sent up the drone.

We had fun taking drone selfies of us, and of course, the Jeeps.

Jolly Cone Bridgeport
As it was lunchtime, we stopped at Jolly Cone in Bridgeport instead of eating on the trail. We played with their selfie spot while waiting for lunch, burgers, and ice cream.


We visited the little-known Jordan, the site of the horrific avalanche of 1911. The headstones were made of granite from the power plant.
Conway Ranch
Our final site was Conway Ranch, outside of Lee Vining.

JT Basque Restaurant
After all the food we ate, I thought there would be no way we would be hungry when we arrived in Carson Valley. Then, somewhere around Walker Canyon, I started thinking about the JT’s soup. The day had been miserably hot, and we were all overheated, but I started craving the cabbage broth and french bread.

JT is a local icon. On my first “visit,” my mom was pregnant with me. It is still one of my favorite restaurants. The beautiful building was relocated from Virginia City to Genoa in 1895, then later moved to Gardnerville. As the JT is fond of saying, you will never leave hungry and are only a stranger once.

We decided to finish our day with a drink at the JT bar. I ordered the traditional Picon Punch. If you haven’t had the pleasure of having one, it is not a pecan but a picon. Amaro liquor, grenadine, soda water, brandy, and a twist of lemon. Picons were created by Basque emigrants in the US, then taken back to the homeland. Some of the ladies weren’t sure what to order, so the amazing bartender created a few drinks for them to sample.

We couldn’t resist the enticing aromas, so we headed to the dining room. Dinner was delicious and enormous, as always. Lamb chops with extra garlic, cabbage soup, beans, lamb stew, fries, red wine, and ice cream. We pretty much rolled out of the restaurant.

Dollar bills cover the ceiling at the JT. I have never seen it done, but it involves a dollar bill, a tack, and, I’m sure, a few picons. While we were enjoying our drinks, one of the dollars fell. Linda retrieved it to see it said, “Happy Birthday.” Very fitting, it was a happy birthday! Thank you, ladies!
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Lisa M says
Great party! You captured the day perfectly.
Tami says
Thank you, Lisa, it was a great day! I need to take more photos of people. Next time we should get some drone shots of us driving.