This weekend, I did the scariest thing I have done in the name of ghost towning, braved Hobby Lobby on a Saturday. Now I remember why I go to Reno mid-week.

I used the original frame for my article in Nevada Magazine and wanted to get another. I don’t place pins on the Nevada Ghost Town Map anymore; I switched to a large map from 1893. The ghost town map is still a great reference; I would love it if the publishers added more towns as they have only 350. Stan has over 600 ghost towns.

I made a quick stop at Donner Party Park
Hubby lived in the neighborhood for years and had no idea the park existed or that the Donner Party camped so far south. I’m amazed we used to own property where the Donner Party may have camped.

According to the plaque, emigrant groups, including the Donner Party, traveled south in Truckee Meadows to avoid marshes and water crossings. The camp was two miles by half a mile. Emigrants rested before making the push over the imposing Sierras.

In 1846, the Donner Party spent five days camped before heading out on their disastrous trip. This year is the 175th anniversary of their horrific journey.This winter, I need to visit the new interpretive center in Truckee. Every time I visit Donner State Park, autocorrect says I was at Dinner State Park. I’m pretty sure that might be the worse autocorrect ever.

I made a quick stop at Hall’s Station. The station was built in the 1850s to serve those traveling to the Gold Rush. On New Year’s Eve, 1853, the first recorded dance in Nevada was held.
Hall’s Station changed hands several times, finally to Major Ormsby. He owned the station when he was killed in the Pyramid Lake Indian War, he was originally buried in Carson City at Pioneer Cemetery. Hall’s Station’s exact site was destroyed by the borrow pit.

I have a special ghost town trip and meeting Monday. With scheduling, I will post a few photos on Instagram first.
I think the map is working again, it got stuck on zoom. Now, the featured image on the home page has decided not to show. This is why I’m not a computer programmer. Hopefully, I can get issues resolved this week.
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