The weekend turned out amazing, but for a while it seemed like it wouldn’t work out. I had plans to go out Saturday with Jared of Great Basin Exploring and fly our identical drones. Life last week seemed to keep getting in the way for both of us. We had a few destinations in mind but we were both trying to be nice and let the other person decide, which means no firm plans were made. We finally made the call late Friday the outing was a go. We decided to head to the Eastern Sierras and Mono county as the leaves were changing.

I was packing and checking out the Jeep when hubby asked if I checked the tire pressure in the spare. I’m not sure why I didn’t think about it. Good thing: it was zero, zip nada. We filled it up and all seemed well…until we turned the compressor off and heard Pssssssssss. I had a huge gash in the sidewall completely through the tire. I have a tire repair kit but there was no possibility it was repairable. Thankfully the tire shop was still open so they could take a look at it. They have no idea how happened, which is a total Tami thing. They kept the Jeep overnight so it would be ready first thing in the morning.

Friends Austin, Nevada Expeditions, and Shonna decided to join us on the trip. I should have warned Jared what the three of us are like together. Our first stop was for gas in Bridgeport where he caught us mid conversation about a museum displaying Custer’s cod piece, sized small. I was afraid Jared would question the sanity of hanging out with us and bolt, but he hung in.
We all worked together and ended up with an amazing day. I pinned locations on a map, Jared planned the route, Austin navigated and Shonna kept us all laughing and well fed. Even with a late start we visited nine sites around Conway Summit between Bridgeport and Mono Lake. Bridgeport Poor Farm, Ward Mining Camp, Kavanaugh Ridge, Dunderberg Mine and Munckton, Jordan, Conway Ranches, Monoville and an un-named site we are trying to identify.
Bridgeport Poor Farm
Quick stop at the former site of the county poor farm. I have been writing an article on the Ormsby County Poor Farm so it was interesting to stop for a few minutes. While researching the mines I came across information on the farm and its relationship to Bodie.
Kavanaugh Ridge
Jared flew his drone over the ridge and to the lakes below. I wasn’t that brave because if the drone caught a gust or ran low on power and made an emergency landing there was no way we were getting it back. There was smoke from the fires but the view was stunning.
Ward Mining Camp
The mining camp was my favorite stop of the day. I have been to this area many times but had no idea the cabins and stamp mill was hidden in the trees. Jared and I flew the drones for a while around the camp which was a challenge with the structures and trees. One tree got a little shave, whoops.

Dunderberg Mill & Munckton
There isn’t much to see from the ground so we took to the sky.
I have been to Jordon multiple times and have a full post on the avalanche that destroyed the power plant. Residents, except for the plant’s supervisors wife and dog, perished in the snow slide. This trip I photographed the individual headstones in order. I heard one grave might be from the avalanche at Lundy Canyon and I want to clarify this new information. Due to the condition of some of the headstones this information might be lost to history.
Unidentified Mono Lake Cabins
We are still trying to identify this site. Some people call it Monoville, but Monoville is in the canyons. The stucco cabin is much newer and had a modern bathroom, but no electrical wiring.

Conway Ranches
We visited both Conway Ranch and Little Conway Ranch. The 1870s ranch buildings are being preserved by the county.
Monoville was a great end to our day.

Grave Hunting
Sunday I woke and told the family I wanted to drive to Washoe Valley and Carson City to photograph graves to finish a few stories I’m working on. Hubby and my son decided to join me, and of course Miss Edel is always excited to “go”. I’m finishing a story for Halloween and was excited to have a few pieces drop into place.
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Richard Bellomy says
Always love your content. I’m a retired photographer and live in Big Pine. This week I circumnavigated Mono Lake spending time at Mono Mills then following the old railbed on the eastern side of Mono Lake finally ending at 167. There’s an old cabin on that side that I was wondering if you knew any history of that. The rail bed is pretty unique as it still has many old railroad ties on top of the bed. I’d be happy to share some images if you’d like. The other question I had was regarding the location of those unknown cabins as I’d like to photograph them. Been to Dunderberg but just mapped out Ward as I missed it on my last trip. Keep up the good work!!
Richard B.
Tami says
I’m very glad you have enjoyed my site. Last month, I visited the old Benton and Bodie Railroad alone with the kiln. I will do Mono Mills soon.
I would love if you emailed me photos.
The other cabins are on the north side of the lake. Again, you can email me, I don’t post locations on the site in order to protect them.