I had a fun trip up Mt. Patterson via Desert Creek. It was a smoky start but we found clear, cool air. It was a great group of people, several I met in Pershing County last weekend. The last two trips were fun but 6 Jeeps seems to be the sweet spot. The ongoing joke was would the potato chip bag pop? It did.
We had lunch at Montague Mine, AKA “Stone Cabin”, but didn’t spend much time at Belfort as it started raining. Mt. Patterson feels like the top of the world. We reached the peak in the calm before a storm so the flag wasn’t blowing. The new flag is too big for the pole and the plan was to raise a temporary flag so repairs could be made. We decided climbing on top of a Jeep, holding onto a metal pole over a cliff at almost 12,000′ with an incoming thunderstorm wasn’t a great idea. I’m sure it will be replaced soon.

We made it down the mountain to Sweetwater right as the storm broke. I love my CO2, I was aired back up in a few minutes. I had an issue with the Jeep stalling on a steep accent, not fun at 11,000′. She is going to the Dr. next week to get checked out.

We had terrible smoke this week and it is supposed to blow back in. With smoke, Jeep and forest closures I’m not sure if I will go out this weekend.
I started research on Sutro Tunnel, what an amazing piece of history. I hope to finish changing computers this weekend, my photos are almost transferred. I am thinking of moving my office so I have more work space, and hmmmm, so my family stops cluttering my space. Have a wonderful weekend!

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Lori says
Tami I enjoy this so much
Tami says
Thank you Lori!