Travel Update: Full Post to Follow
What a beautiful weekend in Northern Nevada! I spent the day with friends Stephen and Shonna exploring the area around Virginia City. We hit a little bit of everything: wagon toll roads, mud, snow, wildlife, history and lots of sunshine.

We started the morning driving the original Geiger Grade. Mining equipment for the Comstock Lode was transported up this toll road via wagon. We speculated at which corner a stage coach heist occurred, resulting in the death and burial of the robber, possibly infamous Black Bart.

Geiger Grade Toll Road
We backtracked to Thorpe Point and a 1930s CCC campground on the new Geiger Grade. We tried for Lousetown but that will have to wait until spring due to snow and mud. Shonna and I identified mountain lion tracks and ran into a band of wild horses.

We visited the Combination Shaft and Yellow Jacket II mine along with a few spots in Virginia City.

We finished the day in Silver City and Gold Hill. We visited the grave of Hosea Grosh, who many credit along with his brother of discovering the Comstock Lode. He died of an infection after hitting his foot with a pick axe. We visited another grave and the timing was fitting for the visit and story. I can’t bring myself to tell the tale this week but as a therapist the mental and emotional strength of people in the past amazes me.

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