We spent our last day in St. George exploring town and Snow Canyon State Park. We drove past the LDS Temple and Brigham Young’s winter house but both were closed due to construction and COVID. We drove to neighbor town, Santa Clara to see a miner’s cabin moved from Silver Reef.

My daughter and I spent our last afternoon hiking beautiful Snow Canyon State Park. The park seemes so remote, but sits just off Highway 18. We hiked to Jenny’s Canyon trail to a tall slot canyon. Next we hiked the Pioneer Names trail, aptly names for the 1881 pioneer names written in axel grease.

Jenny’s Canyon

Looking back at our trip, I can’t believe this was the scaled back version. My original plan included a day on the east side of Lake Mead for ghost towns and Gold Butte National Monument, Zion National Park and two ghost town regions on the drive down and back. Good thing I modified the trip, my family likely would have duct taped me to the sofa.

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