Travel Update: Full Post to Follow
I celebrated Valentine’s Day Saturday and the opposite Sunday. Saturday, Hubby and I had a big outing in Reno: WWII Ka-Bar knives, REI chairs for the Jeep and Hobby Lobby Jeep signs and frames for my ghost town maps. Our treat was Chick-Fil-A and Taiwanese take out for Chinese New Year dinner.
Sunday my friend Shonna and I had what I deemed the opposite of Valentine’s Day. We started at the Bunny Ranch because it seemed like it fit the theme
We then followed the Pony Express trail I started last week to Fort Churchill and Buckland’s Station. Buckland’s was an assembly point in the Pyramid Indian wars which started after two settlers kidnapped and raped Piute sisters. The house was open and we had a private tour with the ranger who helped me with the unknown site I found last year.
You will have to wait on the our other stop, the real destination of my trip. I discovered the history a few weeks ago and have been anxious to tell the tale. We spent the rest of the day exploring Fort Churchill State Park.

I hope your Valentine was more romantic than “The Boys”!

Anonymous says
Thanks, another interesting story
Thomas Barnett