Travel Update: Full Post to Follow
This is a former mining town and a separate sight from Ward Charcoal Kilns which are three miles to the south. These are the photos from our 2011 family ghost town vacation. I will write a full post later. I hope to return and explore the area further.

Cris Falcon says
i stumbled into this site from a screensaver on my computer. curiosity got the best of me and i clicked my way to your site. I love what you do! Very interesting. Thank you!
Tami says
Welcome and I’m glad you found me! I’m curious what screen save it was, this post is pretty obscure and was more of a placeholder till I get back out there.
I have a weekly newsletter and post on Facebook and Instagram routinely.
Usually I have a new article a week, but I have been traveling a lot this summer so updating old articles.
Joris says
I also came to this site by a (windows) screensaver. It was a photo of the ‘ovens’ for the silver mining. Then there was a link to ‘ghost town’ and then I ended up here (the link initiated a Bing search to “ward nevada ghost town”). All the way from The Netherlands….
Tami says
Wow, I had no idea It is cool they used my photo, I’m surprised that was a long time ago and on a low resoluation camera. Would you mind sending me a screenghop? Can you tell if they credit me or link to my site? (other than a Bing search). I use a Macbook and haven’t been able to find it.
I’m glad you enjoyed the picture. Welcome from across the ocean!
Bob says
It’s a Win 11 screen saver… standard issue with the OS. They link up to your site. I’d like to know where Ward townsite and the kilns are located.
Tami says
Thanks, and interesting, and I had no idea. The kilns are in Ward Charcoal Oven State Park out of Ely.