Front Seats
Driver’s Seat
- Headlamp (white and red light)
- Gloves (work)
- Pliers
Roll Bar
- Mini Mag-Light
- Chemstick
- Flashlight
- Sunblock
Glove Box
- Gloves (disposable)
- Jeep Manual
- Napkins
- Silverware (disposable)
Jockey Box
- Advil
- Business Cards
- Hearing Protection
- Pen & paper
- Advil Cream
- Binoculars
- Deodorant
- Glucose (gel, gummies, shots)
- Keys (spare set)
- Pennies (stamped)
- Radio Manual
Back Seat
Emergency Car Kit
- Batteries, AAA
- Blanket
- Booster/Jumper Cables (12’)
- Duct Tape
- First Aid kit
- Flashlight
- Gloves
- Headlamp
- Knife, utility
- Poncho
- Screwdriver
- Tire gauge
- Tire Inflation kit, emergency compressor
- Towels, Shop (3)
- Towelettes
- Warning Triangle
- Zip Ties
Diabetes Kit
Toilet Paper, Zip locks and hand sanitizer
Map Bag
- Compass
- Binoculars
- Snap Light
- Ruler
- Map and Compass Guide Book
- Map Tools
- Magnifying Glass with Light wrapped in microfiber
- Notebook
- Lighter
- Pencil
- Reading Glasses
- Signal Mirror
- Whistle
- Atlas, Nevada Roads
- Atlas, Nevada and California
- Mining Camps Speak
- Ghost Towns & Mining Camps
- Ghost Towns & Mining Camps Atlas
- Gold Rush Trial Guide
- Nevada Ghost Town Map
Roll Bar
- Fire extinguisher
- Flashlight, large Maglite (rear)
Loose in Back
- Awning tiedown and stakes
- Axe, Eastwing
- Chairs, (2)
- Compressor: Viair
- Indeflate, with gauges
- Kinetic Rope
- Lug wrench
- Shackles, soft (4)
- Shackles, D Ring (3)
- Snake gaiters
- Stretcher
- Snowshoes (1 pair seasonal)
- Table: Collpsable
- Table: Tire Table
- Traction & Leveling Mats
- Winch line weights
Trunk Compartment
- Bolt Cutter
- Chainsaw, hand
- Flares, highway, 30 minutes (5)
- Hatched with saw in handle
- Machete, Heavy
- Woodsman’s Pal
Signal Kit
- Fire starter flint
- Gun, signal 3 flares
- Lighters
- Mirror
- Radio
- Whistle
Large Cargo Box-Personal & Survival
- Backpack, emergency (1)
- Bags, Ziploc, 1 gallon
- Blanket, aluminized (1)
- Blanket, wool (1)
- Bucket, canvas
- Clothes,Tami
- Dog Leash
- Hat with neck protection
- Mattress pad: inflatable
- Parachute cord, multistrand with instructions
- Personal care: toilet paper, hand wipes, sanitizing wipes, flushable wipes
- Pillow, inflatable
- Sleeping bag
- Tarp
- Tent
- Towels, terry cloth (2)
- Water purifier Sawyer
Small Cargo Box-Vehicle & Recovery
- Batteries: AA, AAA, D
- Battery Booster: Jump vehicle, USB, USBC
- Battery Charger, USB Solar with USC, Micro and lightening adapter
- Circuit tester
- Code reader, vehicle
- Compressor with gauges
- Flash programmer
- Fueses, electrical
- Jack, bottle
- Strap, recovery
- Strap, rigging
- Strap, tree saver
- Snatch block
- Tarp (1)
- Tire air down kit
- Tire puncture seal, (2)
- Tire repair kit and valve replacement
- Winch controller
- Winch gloves
Roof Rack
- Rotopax with fuel (2)
Back Bumper
- Hi-Lift Jack
- Gas 5 Gallons
- Shovel, Full Sized
- Pry Bar
- Water 5 Gallons
Food & Meal Prep
- Bowls
- Electric Tea Kettle
- Freeze Dried Breakfast (1)
- Freeze Dried Dinners (2)
- MRE’s (3)
- Napkins
- Silverware
Side Tool Bag
- Crescent wrench
- Jeep Hard Top and Door Removal Kit
- Jumper Cables
- Hex Key Set: Allen and Star
- Leatherman
- Pliers
- Safety wire pliers
- Screwdriver: Power
- Socket and Screwdriver set: Dewalt
- Tape: Gorilla and Electrical
- Tin Snips
- Wire
- Wire Cutters: Small and Large
- Zip Ties:
- Metal: 7” and 12”
- Black Plastic: 8”
- Clear Plastic: 12”