This weekend was Eagles & Ag in Carson Valley. If you haven’t attended, it is an excellent series of events. This year, they added a historic barn tour. I host other tours so they let me tag along.

Our guide was Cline Celio. His family are early settlers at Lake Tahoe and owned lumber yards and saw mills. He was a great teacher of the different building techniques. The barns selected had original features including hand-hewn lumber and timber frame with joints held together with wood pegs and no metal hardware.

I helped with 4 tours: two ranch and eagle tours, the owl prowl and barn tour and the photograph tour.
Lampe Ranch

A Dane built the barn in 1901. The Lampe family purchased the ranch family owned it for many years until it was purchased by the Jacobs in 2002. It is now a berry farm and event center.

Gansberg Ranch

Relatives of my Husband originally owned this ranch. The Gansbergs purchased the property in 1903, and it has remained in the family. They built the lower barn in 1914, but lost it to fire a few years later. The current barn was rebuilt in 1918. Fire again threatened it a few years ago, but the firefighters were able to save the barn.


One of the oldest barns in Carson Valley is the Klauber Ranch. A. Klauber owned the property before 1880. It changed hands multiple times and is now owned by Park Cattle Company.

The barn is the closest to how barns were originally built. Note the lack of big doors, from before tractors and big hay wagons.
Construction photos

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