This weekend was our 10th annual Oktoberfest.

Dang, I’m tired! I tried to spread out prep for our annual party, but the last few days always seemed to sneak up on me. The party is over, we had around 70 people, one of our smaller parties.

I love hosting Oktoberfest; we get to see so many people. But we don’t get to spend much time with everyone. Many people asked how long I prepped; it is about a month or more. Purchasing supplies start in late summer. A few weeks in advance is baking and freezing the Black Forest Cake, German chocolate brownies, and pumpkin bread.

This year we moved the party a little later in the day. It worked out perfectly, we added new lights to the backyard.

The weekend before is yard cleanup, grading ranch roads and bringing tables and chairs out of storage. I tried to do what I could in advance but the final weekend is always crazy. Shopping for final items, chilling beer and wine, cooking and decorating.

I basically don’t eat the day of the party. Sunday morning I was starving and had no desire to cook, so we went to Nashville Social Club in Carson City for crab cake Benedict.

Friends are always so generous and want to bring something to the party. As I have everything planned out, we request donations for the food bank. Some years we have almost had 1,000 pounds! This year we have a great variety of goods, household items and cash donations so the food bank can purchase what they need.

I might have to trade Hubby out and take the truck; Momma Badger is in the shop for another few weeks at least.

We never expected anything, but friends brought wine and home canned goods. Mark brought me a great book, a reprint of Eliot Lords Comstock Mining and Miners. I look forward to diving into the book. At the back is an appendix of where people were from, the hospital admits, how they died and the production of mines.

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