This weekend was all about training: firearms and vehicle recovery.
Firearms Training

Saturday was firearms training. I went through around 300 rounds, mainly CZ 75. This put me at 800 rounds in two weeks. Three more weeks until I head to Thunder Ranch.

I learned to use the magazine reloader and clean the guns.

I love my new eye and ear protection from Scheels. Thy Wiley X glasses worked perfectly for shooting and Sunday’s training in the sandy wind. The WX Detection 5 lens package has lenses for every condition. I am anxious to try this off-roading to protect my eyes from glare and dirt.

The Walker’s Razor Digital muffs protected my hearing, shutting off instantly with even a slightly loud noise. Without loud noise, they enhance sound so I can hear others speak. I am deaf in 1 ear and often have difficulty understanding speech. With the muffs, my comprehension is better, and I can actually understand people.
The Gun Cleaning Fairy
Sunday night, the Gun Cleaning Fairy made an appearance. I think she might be related to the ammo fairy. Under my pillow, I found my own complete cleaning kit.

Recovery Training

Sunday, 5 of my Jeep ladies and I attended the basic recovery class through 775 Off-Road & Recovery Group. The group are all volunteers and donate their time to training and recovering vehicles off-road. If you are stuck off-road, you can contact them by phone or text at 775-238-3793. I have entered their information into my phone and Garmin InReach, so I can reach them if needed. They are expanding areas of coverage through Northern Nevada.

Within the last few months, 775 Off-Road & Recovery Group rescued a friend stuck in the ghost town of Rochester. My ladies went up Genoa Peak to look for the Paradise 901A crash site and had a mechanical issue. 775 responded, helping her off the trail.

We worked on multiple scenarios. After a course on safety and recovery gear, we took a break before heading to our stations. The three stations focused on different activities: recovery with kinetic rope, recovery from a ditch using a snatch block with two vehicles, and overturning vehicles.

The instructors were great, walking us through hands-on recovery. Someone should have warned him what Jeep girls are like; I think we wore out poor Joe who taught us kinetic recovery.

I’m pretty sure we all have our Christmas wish list together!

My little one watched all the videos and started laughing at the one below. She said, “Mom, it looks like he is saying you are all crazy up and your crazy down and you talk too much!” She probably isn’t too far off;)
Thank you, ladies, for the photos and video!
Dayton Taphouse

We were starving after a full day of training in the aptly named sandbox! We headed to the 1887 Dayton Taphouse, which I stumbled upon a few weeks ago on my Friday Funday. It was a great end to our day.

terry says
video didn’t seem to work for me, any suggestions?
terry says
videos working now, must have taken time to load.
Tami says
Thank you for letting me know. I don’t know why videos take so long. I probably need to reformat the, but that is beyond my knowledge.