I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas weekend. My sister and her family were in town; active boys and another large dog made for a fun but busy weekend.

Sunday, I was going to take everyone to visit Fort Churchill. It sounded like a freight train hit my house at two in the morning. The wind was incredible. I have never seen snowdrifts like this here. When we think the wind is dying down, it kicks up again, creating white-out conditions. I was looking forward to photographing the fort with snow, but it wasn’t the day for it.

We were supposed to meet for Chinese dinner, but it’s wasn’t safe to travel. Dinner consisted of what we had on hand: prime rib bones made into soup, ham bone made into soup, bratwurst, red cabbage, egg bake, cinnamon rolls, apple pie, apple cranberry pie, mincemeat pie, Christmas morning tea-ring, coffee cake, Sees Candy and leftover wine

“The Boys” were not impressed with the snow but they ventured out of a while. Honey Badger, my daughter, and I had a fun time blazing the trail through the snowdrifts to care for the goats and chickens.
I got some fun ghost town gifts for Christmas. Hubby got me A Helikon bail-out bag; the leatherman tool of backpacks. I’m not sure what all it does; it is a seat organizer, backpack, sleeping mat, and more.
My big present will take a while to receive: White’s boots, custom-made for ghost towning. Ankle support for unstable surfaces and extra tall to protect against rattlesnakes. They won’t win any fashion awards and will put me close to 6′, but they will be worth their weight in gold.

Coming soon!
My favorite Carson valley author, Karen Dustman, released a new book, Forgotten Tales of Carson Valley and Nearby Settlements. Karen always has fascinating stories and historical photographs; my copy came from the Carson Valley Museum. I always leave the museum store with a box of goodies.
Stay safe and warm this week!

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