I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend! It was a busy week with the Hubbies birthday, Thanksgiving, and our family’s traditional turkey tortellini soup dinner. Although I feel like I cooked all week, I have lots of soup in the freezer for nights I get home late from exploring.

I ended up going out more than expected. Hubby and I took several drives to Smith and Mason Valleys. We visited Buckskin, Nordyke, and Thompson, where I practiced taking video with the drone.
After not going out in Honey Badger for a few weeks, the family almost shoved me out the door for a Mom’s Sanity Day. So Sunday, I went out with friends Steve and Mike to spend a day in the Comstock Lode. I can always trust a retired teacher/engineer/geologist/historian to have unique places to visit and lots of information.

Mom’s Sanity Day
Our day started in Silver City at South Comstock Mine and Devil’s Gate. I knew Devil’s Gate was a toll station but did not realize it was used as a fortification in the Pyramid Lake War in 1860. The drone came in handy to photograph the top of the gate.

The next stop was Chollar Consolidated Mine and Mill in Gold Hill. Originally named Overman, the mine was first active in the 1860s, then re-worked and expanded to an open-pit mine in the mid-1900s. The mill was split into several sections and had terrific ruins including much of the milling equipment.

Quick stops in Virginia City at the Consolidated Virginia Shaft, the C&C shaft, and the site of China Town.
We drove the Comstock Trail, part of the trip I took a few weeks ago. We visited Combination Shaft, another Sutro Airshaft, the quarry many mines use as foundation stones, and several smaller mines.

Our final stop was Occidental shaft; I think one of the most picturesque head-frame and ore bins I have seen.

I need to clear up space on my computer before I can start working on photos from my camera. The video takes up a ton of space! I hope to have more on the website later this week.

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