It was so fun to visit Star City with Stan Paher, 19 years after we met at this exact spot. I made sure to have Stan’s book, Nevada Ghost Towns & Mining Camps, with me (unlike last time), even through he already signed it. He remembers our first meeting saying I’m the only person he ever met who took a baby ghost towning.

Star City is one of the older Nevada towns I have visited. Rich silver ore was discovered in 1861, by 1863 it had over 1200 residents. The town declined in the 1870s and was abandoned by 1880. The only residents now are 3″ Mormon Crickets who make horrible crunching sounds when you drive over them.

The family wants to stay home this weekend so I am joining a new to me off-road group. I’m not aware of any ghost towns or mines on the trail area but it will be a fun drive and nice to meet other explorers. Monday I’m planning on joining some of the Jeepers from last weekend’s trip to head up Mt. Patterson. I’m hoping we visit Clinton, but am more than happy to see Belfort/Boulder Flat and get more pictures of the amazing ghost town.

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