It has been strange transitioning from a week of ghost towning to routine life. After eight days of seeing only a handful of people, I came home to heavy traffic, busy stores, several parties and my son’s graduation. I have been happy this morning to sit at my desk in peace and quite and review photos, over 3000!
One of my favorite sites was Old Dominion and the infamous”1/4 mile hike”. Some day I will learn not to listen to retired military men about what a hike is like. The hike was closer to 4 miles ending with a super steep washed out road. We were laughing by the end and debating if a winch line could haul us up the washout.
In 1867 stamp mills were hauled by oxen to Old Dominion, above Hot Creek. I am still looking for information on the arrastra, it is the only one I have seen in Nevada.
The last pictures are what happens when Stan Paher brings his book store to me. Between those additions and my pre-trip shopping for Hugh Shamberger’s books (including Silver Peak and Nivloc) and books I bought from Jeanne Sharp Howerton when we met, I have a organizing project on my hands. Honey Badger is cleared out but in need of a serious cleaning, dust covers everything.
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